Club Closure – December 22, 2024 to January 1, 2025
Hycroft 1489 McRae Avenue, Vancouver, BC, CanadaHappy Holiday!
Happy Holiday!
Looking to expand your social network and discover new interests? Join us and experience the personal and professional benefits of belonging to a social network of over 400 like-minded women....
$51.75+tax - Members Only (Ballroom) (price includes gratuity) Welcome holiday punch: 5:30 - 6:00 pm Buffet dinner: 6:00 - 7:30 pm (open seating) Live music and dancing “The Dimes”: 7:30...
Speaker: Amy S. FitzGerald Amy S. FitzGerald is the Executive Director and formerly the Director of Training and Programs at the BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH). She has been...
Artist: Axel Breutigam Members and guests are cordially invited to the Hycroft Gallery to see a photography display by Axel Breutigam. Axel has established himself as a black and white...
Members $15; Guests $20 Join us as we explore the field of emotional intelligence. What is it? Why does it matter? How can we become more emotionally intelligent? Sound intriguing?...
UWCV Members: $63.25+tax; Non-members $74.75+tax; Children 6 to 12 $25.75+tax; 5 and under no charge (prices includes gratuity) Let the Festive Season begin! We warmly welcome you to invite your...
Learn about the world of micro and nano plastics and the science linking them to a growing range of health impacts. Join us for a showing and discussion of the...
Gatsby Gala Night 5:30 pm Cocktail Hour with appetizers & canapes 7:00 pm Dinner 8:00 Gabriel’s Dixie Band Members $65+tax; Non-members $75+tax Click here to view poster. Membership Committee
Menu: Scones and Croissants with Jam and Sweet Cream Strawberry Cream Tartlet Lavender Crème Brule Tartlet Red Velvet Cake Chocolate Mousse Cake Crab Cream Choux Roast Pepper Bruschetta Chicken Salad...